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When language is in place, the reader can focus on ideas.



First, try us out and estimate the price​

Second, submit your manuscript

Third, send your payment

Both price and quality are important considerations. To evaluate my ability to do an excellent job on your manuscript, send a few pages via email (editor@clarityeditorial.dk) or the upload box to the right. Your email address is used only to contact you, and only about the job we are discussing. Presuming that we pass the test, the following guidelines enable you to estimate the price for editing your manuscript.

Use the form below, or send your work via email to editor@clarityeditorial.dk. (Most people use the email option; indeed, most prefer to chat with me before submitting their work.)

In either case, your manuscript will be evaluated immediately and I will contact you with a proposed work schedule and a price quote.

Clients affiliated with Danish universities are normally sent a faktura via virk.dk.  Others may choose among the following: Bank Transfer, International Bank Transfer, Paypal, or MobilPay. Installment payments may be requested for book- and dissertation-length projects. All of the following information appears on every invoice.

Edit — Consult — Re-edit:

DKK0.80 per editable word*, longest version**

This price does NOT include MOMs (but MOMs does not apply for most clients). This price does NOT include possibly applicable discounts. Please ask.

*Many papers include long tables and previously edited references. (I am happy to edit references, which is mostly an issue of getting them to conform with a specific formatting preference, but also spelling and grammar.) Unless we enter into a different agreement, these elements are not included in the count of editable words.

**The submitted version is normally, but not always, the longest version.

Discounts are often available. See ‘referral’, ‘loyalty’ and ‘student’ discounts at the top of this page.

A quick note on pricing

My prices are based on a five- to six-hour editing day, which is the maximum time I can maintain the high level focus and concentration needed to edit effectively. This is also convenient, because the price presumes 38% administrative time (which is consistent with my experience and is also the norm that governs the University of Copenhagen). In addition, the price includes a 15% contribution to my pension, covers my five-week vacation, and ensures that I may have five sick-days before declaring myself ‘sick’ and availing of public support.

Bank Transfer:
Clarity Editorial’s bank account:

Reg.Nr. 5044
Konto:  1333163

International Bank Transfer:
Clarity Editorial’s bank account:

IBAN number: DK9750440001325441

