Try for free! The best way to find out how I approach your work is by letting me edit your work. Send me a few pages and I will return them quickly (usually within a day). This gift
DKK0.60 per editable word* of the longest version** of the manuscript. Sales tax (25%) is extra, but rarely applies. *Editable word. Some manuscripts are filled with huge tables. Some have bibliographies that do
We take confidentiality seriously. Unless you give express written permission, and even then only for specific purposes (such as testimonials), Clarity Editorial will not tell anybody that you have worked with us. However,
I have edited dozens of books and hundreds of articles by scholars from around the world, including pioneering work by leaders in their field. I have also edited dozens of dissertations and hundreds
Yes! This and other tasks like abridging and curating indexes are beyond ‘the process’, yet well within my competence. Pricing can be discussed. A manuscript typically becomes sharper and shorter during the editorial
I work at a basic pace of 20 pages per day, but this might be juggled among many projects. For article length manuscripts, once the process is begun, the full process is normally