How much does it cost?
DKK0.60 per editable word* of the longest version** of the manuscript. Sales tax (25%) is extra, but rarely applies.
*Editable word. Some manuscripts are filled with huge tables. Some have bibliographies that do not require the same kind of attentive eye that I apply to the substantive portions of the manuscript. Please include everything when you send the manuscript (context from tables/figures helps me to understand the text; the bibliography helps me to check spelling of in-text references). To determine the number of editable words, I will delete the bibliography, tables, and figures. The Microsoft word count (bottom-left of the screen) is the official word count.
**Longest version. The manuscript first submitted is almost always the longest version. General editing tends to tighten the prose. However, revisions based on substantive queries occasionally lead to a large increase in word count. This is a good thing! The manuscript has improved! But the revisions become a part of the pricing algorithm.